Friday, September 21, 2007

Arch-aelogical Find.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lake Forest, CA - Today it was announced that 3 new chapters of The Purpose Driven Life were discovered at an archaelogical dig on the grounds of Saddleback Church. "We were digging a hole for the new Youth Zone volleyball court when we saw these scrolls rolled in a Big Mac wrapper" Says Marci Billaboo, Chief Digger.

The texts are of great religious and historical significance, as they include practically the only known surviving copies of the original 40 Yom notes made on a McDonald's napkin. They preserve evidence of considerable belief and practice that PDL was not just written for Southern Baptists - as some had speculated.

At the time of publishing - About 15% of the fragments remained unidentified and it was not yet known if these were inspired chapters or whether these texts would be considered Apocrypha. Saddleback Scholar - Lee Strobel has been called it to examine the antiquities. High resolution images of all discovered material are not yet available online for public examination, however you will be able to purchased inexpensive multi-volumes (on disc media or in book form at, or possibly viewed in certain university libraries.

It is feared that violence might erupted between Wesleyans and Calvinists in what is now the Gaza Strip Mall, prompting the removal of the scrolls from the county for safekeeping. The scrolls were removed to California Baptist University in Riverside.

Bob Abernethy of Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly said "Hurray! finally something new from Warren, I was getting worried because my publisher wants me to write a Warren knock-off."

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